Self-employed workers may miss out on mortgages due to changes in delivery of SA302 forms
Self-employed workers in the UK have reported their struggles to acquire a mortgage, after HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) changed the way it issues details of tax calculations and tax year overviews for submission with mortgage applications.
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HMRC dynamic coding causes issues for taxpayers
From July this year, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has been utilising its new system of dynamic coding, which allows for in-year adjustments (IYAs)of a person’s tax code.
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Taxpayers begin to receive simple assessment requests (PA302)
Taxpayers across the UK will have begun to receive a simple assessment (form PA302) from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), which will ask for payment of tax that cannot be coded out under PAYE.
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HMRC launches new online forum to give small business owners direct tax advice
A new online forum has been launched by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) which has been designed to help company owners resolve simple issues related to startingand growing a company.
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Revenue’s crackdown on VAT evaders yields £3.4 billion from small and medium firms
New analysis of HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC’s) data has revealed that the department collected an additional £3.4 billion from small and medium-sized businesses in the tax year to April 2017.
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The information in this newswire is believed to be correct at the time of circulation. It is essential to take advice on specific issues.