Through our network of banks, investors, advisors and brokers there are a number of Corporate Finance areas we can assist businesses with. These include:
Equity Finance
Bringing co-owners into your business is a significant step in the growth of your business. Glazers can advise you on this.
Non-Equity Finance
There are a number of non-equity funding sources available and many factors need to be taken into consideration when choosing between them.
Through understanding your business and its strategic objectives, we aim to ensure you are introduced to, and choose, the right source or combination of sources of finance.
These sources may include: Banks; Asset Finance; Trade Finance; Grant Finance; etc.
Management Buy Outs and Management Buy Ins
This route can be ideal for both vendor and management team. It can also prove to be extremely tax-efficient. We offer assistance in negotiating the purchase sale and we can advise on all the key issues. Our clients are either owners looking to sell a business to the management team, or the team itself seeking to buy a company.
Glazers can also help your business with:
Mergers, acquisitions and disposals
Bank relationships
- Company valuations